Home Resources


by Tomasz Jarosik

There are some resources that I used, tested, and I have positive experience with them, so I can recommend. We all know world of Amazon, Apple, Google,Facebook as they provide many useful services. But there is much more, especially if you want to explore and learn, or automate your workflows in the long term.

OpenSource tools and services

rclone – Command line tool (CLI) to clone files to many external/self-hosted clouds: https://rclone.org/

restic – CLI to make backups to various clouds. You can also connect rclone as its backend to extend its capabilities. It offers easy encryption and de-duplication. https://restic.net/

nextcloud via snap package – self-hosted cloud for your files and more. Snap will automatically update it for you. I’ve been using it for almost a year and it works very well. Also, it supports WebDAV protocol, so you can use rclone with it. I use nextcloud as a transport to seamlessly synchronize files between devices. See more https://nextcloud.com/ and https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap

bitwarden – password manager available from various devices. Self-hosted alternative to LastPass. You can also keep your important documents encrypted in it. And it supports U2F. See more at: https://bitwarden.com/ and https://github.com/bitwarden

gitlab – it’s something that programmers know really well. The difference to github is that you can have gitlab CE installed on your own server: https://about.gitlab.com/install/?version=ce

certbot from let’s encrypt – it allows you to automate SSL certificates deployments for your domains, e.g. my public-faced domains also use it. Because it’s automated, you don’t have to worry about expiring certificates, and they are for free. https://letsencrypt.org/

teleporthttps://gravitational.com/teleport/ Tool to manage secure access to your servers. Think of it as SSH with session recording and much, much more!

mayan-edms – document management system I started using recently mainly because of it’s OCR support. My use case is to have a document quickly scanned on my smartphone and automatically uploaded as PDF to the Mayan. I can quickly search documents if I need to by any text. I just want to limit my use of paper documents as much as I can. https://www.mayan-edms.com/

toxiproxy – “Toxiproxy is a framework for simulating network conditions. It’s made specifically to work in testing, CI, and development environments, supporting deterministic tampering with connections, but with support for randomized chaos and customization. Toxiproxy is the tool you need to prove with tests that your application doesn’t have single points of failure.  ” https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy

Other companies and services

yubikey 5 series – from Yubico ( https://www.yubico.com/store/ ) Hardware Key which can act as Universal second factor (U2F) to many services. It allows you to protect access to your accounts and make it quicker than other methods (e.g. no typing one-time password, SMS code, etc). Or at least have a good smartphone with a fingerprint reader as the second factor (although it’s not yet widely supported, it’s getting better and better). Read more here: https://security.googleblog.com/2019/05/new-research-how-effective-is-basic.html

TransferWise – a service that lets you transfer money between countries at a flat rate (0.5%). I’ve been using it for years. It offers a great experience, simple to use the Android app, and transparency what is happening with your money at all stages. Highly recommended. See at: https://transferwise.com/u/tomaszj3

Asana https://app.asana.com/ -one of the best tools to track your work. I’ve been using it for 7+ years now, but only at home.

mobiles.co.uk is an online shop that offers deals on smartphones and data plans. I only used it once, but the full package I got was really good. Was wondering where is a trick here? Turned out there was no Find out more here: https://www.mobiles.co.uk/?money4me-103031138

citymapper – a great mobile app for travel in a big city. Use it a lot. Makes travel to a new place really smooth. https://citymapper.com/cities

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