If you are reading this, you have a computer. How do you use it? I bet your computer can do much more that you think. And I want to present you with opportunity for your computer to do more work (you have to pay the energy bills :)). All of that in the background so you can still enjoy watching movies or doing normal work.
These are steps that I want you to make:
1. Read this page https://foldingathome.com/covid19
2. Start donating computer power by downloading a program from this site: https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/ if you are worried about computer viruses and/or your privacy, you can do it from a virtual machine. No excuses here, really.
3. You can install the folding@home application in Windows, Mac, Linux. I myself started just recently and here is our team’s progress: https://stats.foldingathome.org/team/255025 team ID 255025
4. Track your progress. There is a viewer available, also for daemon running in Linux.
5. Read this about the scale of the Folding@Home project: https://www.anandtech.com/show/15661/folding-at-home-reaches-exascale-1000000000000000000-operations-per-second-for-covid-19

Update 4.04.2020:
Big Thank you to everyone who joined our team. We have just reached over 2000000 points in a week: